Hi my name's Maxx and I'm from many places. While I was born in Los Angeles, lived there for the first 12 years of my life, and still have family there, I hesitate to say that I'm from LA. It feels like at this point I've been gone for much longer than I've lived there and my knowledge of the city comes from distant memory. While I've also lived in Oxnard, and my parents live in San Jose currently, these also don't feel quite right as it's been too long since I've lived there. In high school I lived in Massachusetts for a year with a host family to pursue my hockey career. I also went to two years of boarding school in New Hampshire. I did an art program my senior year of high school in Arizona. I've studied internationally in Sydney, Australia, in Berlin, Germany, and in Paris, France. Additionally, I go to school in Boulder and have lived there the last four years. Thus I don't know, this is my rant to say I've been moving around most of my life.
I grew up playing ice hockey and this took up the majority of my time. While I would say hockey was my biggest driving force till about 19 years old, expressing myself in multiple ways has always felt vital. I started playing guitar in elementary school and have tried to keep it in my life through various classes and programs. Although by far the best thing for my guitar ability has been playing in a band ( We are called Diva Cup and it's sooooo fun to play with people:) ). In addition my mom put my brother and I in art classes at a young age, and while I hated them at the time, art remains in my life. I've just learned I don't like being told what to do, or what the "correct" way to do art is. I believe that defeats the purpose. Everything on this website is my art. These characters have been drawn all over my world, and nothing feels Maxx-enough without them.
Writing feels like an extension of my need to feel seen and heard. I think that language gives us a uniquely human way to express thoughts in such a specific manner. In school writing classes were the ones I put the most time and effort into, especially creative writing. This aggressively long about me might be a testament to that.
If I have any takeaway from this that I want you as the reader to know, is that if I do I say I'm gonna do something, I'm going to do it with my heart. I want all my endeavors to feel authentically done, and this means deliberation and love into my creations.

2021? - In Progress
University of Colorado Boulder
Honestly journalism is a passion I stumbled into my freshman year of college. When I got to school I really had no idea what I wanted to pursue, but after joining CU Boulder's radio station I started interviewing people for fun and it only spiraled from there. I find that I already question most things in life and writing questions about bands came fairly naturally to me. I also find these conversations to be very energizing and it gives me a nice high after. The best part? Getting to watch these bands perform a set after having interviewed them. Makes the whole night feel beautiful and powerful.
2021? - In Progress
Sociology (Minor)
University of Colorado Boulder
My first semester of college I took a course called Deviance In Society that got me into Sociology. While I swore I'd never go into Psychology because my Mom and Grandma are both Psychologists, maybe social sciences are just in my blood. I feel like I've always questioned how society operates and taking Deviance in Society only further pushed me to want to academically study how people function with one another. Will I do anything with this? Probably not... but it's fun to learn about!